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Knights of the Realm of Little Acorn


Another school year came to a close at our outdoor, Waldorf inspired school, Little Acorn. In preparation, we worked hard to finish our hand crafted projects. Jenn, hand painted chests for all the children's treasurers, and I widdled a sword from a block of basswood, painted it with water colors and finished it with a leather wrap.

The school year was filled with stories of Kings and Queens and adventurers of brave knights both Sir and Lady. So we planned a special ceremony for the children moving on this year. In reverence, we called the children forward and knighted them as "Protectors of the Realm of Little Acorn". We added four brave and courageous knights to our ranks on that day.

It is my honor to announce the inclusion of:

Sir Rowan the Brave

Lady Laela the Beautiful

Sir Asher the Strong

And Lady Luna the Kind

As Lord Protectors of the Realm!

With the ceremony complete it was time for revelry! And so the mighty feast began, a potluck and BBQ in the play yard :). As I looked around at beaming knights, and proud mamas and papas, it got me thinking. It had me thinking how blessed Jenny and I are to work together as a team to bring such special moments to families. Then with many hugs, and ice cream for Mr. Joel, we brought another school year to a close....

There are a few spots still open for our summer block and our 2021-2022 school year. Please contact us through our web page, or see here for more information. We look forward to meeting your family.

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